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American Flyer Displays & History

A website dedicated to preserving the history of the great American Flyer train displays of the mid 20th century.  It features illustrations of the factory displays sold to dealers and links to the display catalogs sent to dealers.  Track plans for many of the  layouts are included in the form of illustrations and a RRTrack file for use with that software.  The website also features photos and catalog illustrations of the Gilbert Halls of Science and their display layouts, including the famous second floor layout.  There are also photos not available anywhere else of large department store layouts.

HO Catalog CoverGilbert HO Index

A complete web reference to the HO trains manufactured by A.C. Gilbert Company between 1938 and 1963.   It contains catalog illustrations of all items manufactured and links to those catalogs.  Photos of almost all the items manufactured by Gilbert are included as well as notes on Gilbert history as it relates to the HO product line.

GGAFC logoGolden Gate American Flyer Club

The Golden Gate American Flyer Club is a group for enthusiasts of American Flyer Trains and Gilbert products, as well as other S gauge manufacturers.   Our members are primarily from the San Francisco Bay Area, but we do have members in other parts of Northern California and the West Coast states.  The purpose of the club is to promote interest, fellowship and cooperation among persons interested in any facet of American Flyer S Gauge Model Railroading, including collecting and operating.  Many of our members also have an interest in other Gilbert products and pre-Gilbert American Flyer.

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San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906

This website is a family album of photographs of the aftermath fire and earthquake taken by my grandfather, Frederick H. Brinckmann (1873-1931).  The photos were scanned from the original 4 x 5 negatives and some of them show incredible detail.  I still have the camera with which they were taken, an Ansco Number 5. 

Antiques & More
Charleene's Jewels

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S-trains   Vintage HO   Aquaticlife

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